A sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits cause obesity and obesity-related health problems to become increasingly common worldwide. Weight loss of obese individuals is important for health rather than looking aesthetically beautiful. Every year, approximately 12 million people struggle with health problems caused by obesity. About 1 million die due to diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension caused by obesity. Therefore, obesity is a health problem that needs to be treated urgently.

How is the Slimming Process with the Gastric Balloon Procedure?

In cases where diet and exercise are insufficient, it is possible to accelerate the weight loss process of obese patients with surgical and non-surgical methods. Gastric balloon, as it is called in the medical world, intragastric balloon; is a non-surgical operation method applied to assist the weight loss process in obese patients. It is seen that the majority of obese patients who are applied a gastric balloon lose approximately 40% of their body weight within 1 year if they also change their life habits.

How Long Does the Gastric Balloon Stay in the Body?

The operation of the gastric balloon is aimed to reduce the patient’s desire to eat by creating a feeling of fullness and satiety in the stomach. Therefore, the intragastric balloon procedure is a temporary procedure. The patient is expected to reach the targeted weight within the first year. After the gastric balloon is inserted, it can stay in the patient for 6 to 12 months. Staying longer than this is not preferred as it may cause damage to the stomach wall and tissues of the patient. However, the patient may ask the doctor to reattach the balloon. In this case, if the doctor does not mind staying longer, the balloon can be reinserted.

Who is the Gastric Balloon Applied to?

Physicians dealing with obesity refer to the body mass index (BMI) values determined by the World Health Organization in the methods applied in the treatment of obesity. Obese individuals with a body mass index of 30-40 are suitable patients for the gastric balloon method. In some cases, a gastric balloon can be placed in individuals with a body mass index of 40 and above to help them lose weight before other surgical methods. In addition, patients suitable for gastric balloon procedures are patients between the ages of 18-65. However, gastric balloon procedure can be applied to patients who are considered suitable for the endoscopy procedure, if there is no other health problem that may prevent the procedure. It is not recommended to insert a gastric balloon for individuals who have undergone previous operations such as gastric surgery or who need to use blood thinners.

What is the Gastric Balloon Application Process?

Before the gastric balloon procedure, the specialist doctor makes the necessary examinations and decides whether the patient is suitable for the operation. If the doctor deems it appropriate, the patient is warned about what he should pay attention to before the operation. During the gastric balloon procedure, an inflatable silicone device is inserted into the stomach with the help of an endoscopy device. The doctor can control all the stages with the help of the camera while advancing the balloon he is holding with the help of a catheter from the throat to the stomach. The gastric balloon procedure is performed in a short period of 30-45 minutes, while the patient is kept under sedation. During the gastric balloon procedure, the stomach does not need to be removed and the patient does not need to stay in hospital for a long time, so the gastric balloon recovery process is much easier when compared to other surgical methods.

General Results After Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloon procedure in Turkey is performed by experienced teams and at affordable prices. When the patients who underwent gastric balloon procedures are examined, the general results are quite promising for obese patients. During the first 6 months, the majority of patients lose 7% to 15% of their body weight. It is observed that they lose up to 40% of their body weight within 1 year.

As in every obesity treatment, the successful outcome of the gastric balloon procedure depends on the patients’ changing their eating habits and regular exercise after the gastric balloon. If your excess weight threatens your health, do not neglect to get information from clinics in Turkey and to have the necessary controls done.


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